Tuesday, January 24, 2006

More from comments


Thanks so much for linking to our “Friends with Low Wages” video on Trailing Edge Blog. We appreciate your help getting the word out about Wal-Mart’s ruthless anti-union campaign.

The video has now been watched more than 125,000 times, and is getting a lot of attention. We even heard from Wal-Mart, whose spokeswoman told an Arkansas newspaper that “it's a shame that this group would use this type of publicity stunt to take away from what we do to help working families save money every day.”

Of course, what’s really a shame is how far Wal-Mart will go to keep workers from standing up for themselves. Just last week, a federal appeals court decided to allow a lawsuit against Wal-Mart for threatening to withhold health care and retirement benefits from employees who form unions (http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/business/3598578.html).

Thanks again for your coverage on this issue.

- Liz

Liz Cattaneo
American Rights at Work

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