My good friend, Mr. Natural at Left Edge North has posted this video, and it tugs at my desire to share it also.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
In case you missed it...
I subscribe to the notmilk yahoo group, and receive individual emails for each posting that goes up on that group. This one strikes at the heart of what the Bush Administration is all about and what we can expect from any administration dedicated to the corporate bottom line rather than the interests and well being of the American people. This issue, in concert with the abysmal lack of concern for our physically and mentally damaged war fighters, makes my blood run cold.
Today The Bitch Will Lie
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I have dictated today's Notmilk column to my daughter and thank her for doing her best to post this online. Forgive us for spelling and grammatical errors. - Robert
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Today The N.J. Bitch Will Perjure Herself
My Notmilk columns are archived, and you should find interesting what I wrote in the days after 9/11/2001:
http://groups. group/notmilk
Today, Christie Whitman, breast cancer survivor, will play her role in keeping a president from being impeached. If she had the courage to tell the truth, her lie would lead on a straight path to the Oval Office. On that path, one can smell the cow feces used to fertilize the Rose Garden.
Her lie gave birth to the pre-mature deaths of thousands of rescue workers.
Today she falls on her sword.
Today she swallows her arsenic capsule.
Today she accepts blame so as to protect a president.
Or, maybe she twists facts and avoids justice.
She will not be the first to insulate the integrity of a nation's leader.
Her veil will be paper-thin so that the deceit will be exposed like the combined power of the most sophisticated x-rays, CAT scans, and MRIs. There is no need for a second opinion.
On September 13, 2001, just two days after the planes hit the World Trade Center Towers...just two days after my very dear college friend Linda Gronlund sat in seat 1A and died in a Pennsylvania field, I wrote this column:
To my friends in the New York area:
The World Trade Center was the last major construction job in the United States to use blow-on asbestos insulation.
Crocidolite asbestos fibers are carcinogenic.
If you reside in Manhattan, now might be the perfect time to let adversity become an excuse for a two-week New England vacation while professionals dispose of toxic asbestos fibers.
If you visit or live in Manhattan, use a face mask. Shower frequently, and after each exposure, send your clothing to adry cleaner.
The very next day, on September 14, 2001, I wrote:
Many of you live or visit New York City and continue to breathe the dust and fiber of mankind's worst evil.
Please exercise caution....
dust masks do not protect you from asbestos fibers. They are too small, you need a fullface respirator with hepa cartridges.. .Asbestos is dangerous because it is less than 0.3 microns and will go into the alveoli and form scar tissue...a dust mask does not stop those small particles.
When I posted these two columns I was not the director of the Department of Environmental Protection. It was not my business to be the expert on such issues, but nobody else was issuing such warnings. In my own small way, I had to be the one.
Shortly thereafter, I was punished with a series of tax audits. That is how whistle blowers are sometimes rewarded. What more can they do to me? Frankly, Scarlett..
The country that I grew up loving continues to lie to its people.The country that I continue to love needs some fixing. Some fine tuning. Millions of dollars in bribes continue to be paid tomen and women of power so that Americans are continuously betrayed.
For me, the issue has been milk. Lies, deception, bribes. I've named names and dates and circumstances over the years. Few have the courage (insanity) to continue to shove it in their faces. The miserable crooks. The betrayers. The Christie Whitmans of this world who sell out their ideals for dollars. She, the breast cancer survivor. What irony. It is only on rare occasions that I am angry enough to make such requests as the following. Let their ultimate fates be directly connected to those swords by which they live.
Robert Cohen
http://www.notmilk. com
Today The Bitch Will Lie
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I have dictated today's Notmilk column to my daughter and thank her for doing her best to post this online. Forgive us for spelling and grammatical errors. - Robert
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Today The N.J. Bitch Will Perjure Herself
My Notmilk columns are archived, and you should find interesting what I wrote in the days after 9/11/2001:
http://groups. group/notmilk
Today, Christie Whitman, breast cancer survivor, will play her role in keeping a president from being impeached. If she had the courage to tell the truth, her lie would lead on a straight path to the Oval Office. On that path, one can smell the cow feces used to fertilize the Rose Garden.
Her lie gave birth to the pre-mature deaths of thousands of rescue workers.
Today she falls on her sword.
Today she swallows her arsenic capsule.
Today she accepts blame so as to protect a president.
Or, maybe she twists facts and avoids justice.
She will not be the first to insulate the integrity of a nation's leader.
Her veil will be paper-thin so that the deceit will be exposed like the combined power of the most sophisticated x-rays, CAT scans, and MRIs. There is no need for a second opinion.
On September 13, 2001, just two days after the planes hit the World Trade Center Towers...just two days after my very dear college friend Linda Gronlund sat in seat 1A and died in a Pennsylvania field, I wrote this column:
To my friends in the New York area:
The World Trade Center was the last major construction job in the United States to use blow-on asbestos insulation.
Crocidolite asbestos fibers are carcinogenic.
If you reside in Manhattan, now might be the perfect time to let adversity become an excuse for a two-week New England vacation while professionals dispose of toxic asbestos fibers.
If you visit or live in Manhattan, use a face mask. Shower frequently, and after each exposure, send your clothing to adry cleaner.
The very next day, on September 14, 2001, I wrote:
Many of you live or visit New York City and continue to breathe the dust and fiber of mankind's worst evil.
Please exercise caution....
dust masks do not protect you from asbestos fibers. They are too small, you need a fullface respirator with hepa cartridges.. .Asbestos is dangerous because it is less than 0.3 microns and will go into the alveoli and form scar tissue...a dust mask does not stop those small particles.
When I posted these two columns I was not the director of the Department of Environmental Protection. It was not my business to be the expert on such issues, but nobody else was issuing such warnings. In my own small way, I had to be the one.
Shortly thereafter, I was punished with a series of tax audits. That is how whistle blowers are sometimes rewarded. What more can they do to me? Frankly, Scarlett..
The country that I grew up loving continues to lie to its people.The country that I continue to love needs some fixing. Some fine tuning. Millions of dollars in bribes continue to be paid tomen and women of power so that Americans are continuously betrayed.
For me, the issue has been milk. Lies, deception, bribes. I've named names and dates and circumstances over the years. Few have the courage (insanity) to continue to shove it in their faces. The miserable crooks. The betrayers. The Christie Whitmans of this world who sell out their ideals for dollars. She, the breast cancer survivor. What irony. It is only on rare occasions that I am angry enough to make such requests as the following. Let their ultimate fates be directly connected to those swords by which they live.
Robert Cohen
http://www.notmilk. com
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Every journey begins with...
If you are getting tired of that perpetual daydream about double fisting Karl Rove (because deep down inside you know he would severely enjoy it), how about dipping your awareness into the latest copy of YES Magazine to discover some ways to shut down the bubbling war cauldron.
You will notice that some of the following info is dated, but missing an opportunity to march or peacefully protest simply means you will have to hook up with the next opportunity.
Here is an excerpt:
Here are some resources to make your voice heard:
1. Contact your representative in Congress. For a sampling of key legislation being considered in Washington, see the YES! Peace Page.
2. Write a letter to the newspaper. The letters sections are widely read. Or call in to a talk show. Or call your favorite television station and ask them to cover all sides of the issue. Here's where you can find a listing of local and national media.
3. Get your city or town to pass a resolution. Cities for Progress shows how to do it, including examples of letters and petitions, toolkits, and resource guides.
4. Join in one of the many marches taking place on March 17, the fourth anniversary of the war, in Washington, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and elsewhere.
5. Consider nonviolent direct action. "The Occupation Project: A Campaign of Sustained Nonviolent Civil Disobedience to End the Iraq War," is organizing coordinating activities around the country, mostly centering on March 16-19. The Declaration of Peace is offering training in nonviolent civil disobedience during National Nonviolence Training Week, February 17-25, in preparation for nonviolent action March 16-19.
6. Support our Troops, including those who resist going to war. The court martial of Lt. Watada, the first U.S. military officer to refuse deployment to Iraq, will begin February 5, and supporters are mobilizing around the nation.
7. Sign on to an ad by Rabbi Michael Lerner and Rev. Tony Campolo for Tikkun describing a way to peace, to be published in major U.S. newspapers.
8. Attend a worship service with the Christian Peace Witness on March 16 at the National Cathedral, and then a candlelight procession to the White House. Or plan your own local religious event.
9. Sign a petition that reflects your views. Peace Action is opposing military action against Iran; OutNow and United for Peace & Justice are calling for immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq.
10. Join the Global Virtual Peace March: is gathering signatures from the international community to form a massive “Internet march.” Already, 89,000 people from over 100 countries have signed on.
11. Learn more about how you can make peace in all dimensions of life. See the YES! Peace Page.
12. Forward the link to our email. Let people on all your lists know how they can be part of the solution. Send them this link:
You will notice that some of the following info is dated, but missing an opportunity to march or peacefully protest simply means you will have to hook up with the next opportunity.
Here is an excerpt:
Here are some resources to make your voice heard:
1. Contact your representative in Congress. For a sampling of key legislation being considered in Washington, see the YES! Peace Page.
2. Write a letter to the newspaper. The letters sections are widely read. Or call in to a talk show. Or call your favorite television station and ask them to cover all sides of the issue. Here's where you can find a listing of local and national media.
3. Get your city or town to pass a resolution. Cities for Progress shows how to do it, including examples of letters and petitions, toolkits, and resource guides.
4. Join in one of the many marches taking place on March 17, the fourth anniversary of the war, in Washington, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and elsewhere.
5. Consider nonviolent direct action. "The Occupation Project: A Campaign of Sustained Nonviolent Civil Disobedience to End the Iraq War," is organizing coordinating activities around the country, mostly centering on March 16-19. The Declaration of Peace is offering training in nonviolent civil disobedience during National Nonviolence Training Week, February 17-25, in preparation for nonviolent action March 16-19.
6. Support our Troops, including those who resist going to war. The court martial of Lt. Watada, the first U.S. military officer to refuse deployment to Iraq, will begin February 5, and supporters are mobilizing around the nation.
7. Sign on to an ad by Rabbi Michael Lerner and Rev. Tony Campolo for Tikkun describing a way to peace, to be published in major U.S. newspapers.
8. Attend a worship service with the Christian Peace Witness on March 16 at the National Cathedral, and then a candlelight procession to the White House. Or plan your own local religious event.
9. Sign a petition that reflects your views. Peace Action is opposing military action against Iran; OutNow and United for Peace & Justice are calling for immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq.
10. Join the Global Virtual Peace March: is gathering signatures from the international community to form a massive “Internet march.” Already, 89,000 people from over 100 countries have signed on.
11. Learn more about how you can make peace in all dimensions of life. See the YES! Peace Page.
12. Forward the link to our email. Let people on all your lists know how they can be part of the solution. Send them this link:
The homeless according to Good Magazine
As the Bush Economy continues to flourish and foreclosures become more the norm than not, it behooves all of us to keep in mind that we are one major illness removed from the people moving through their lives without a home to call their own.
Good Magazine has provided this transparency for your discerning consumption.
Good Magazine has provided this transparency for your discerning consumption.
Monday, June 18, 2007
It is the beginning of a new week in America, and I can feel the creative juices bubbling merrily beneath the surface of my indignation. Air America is clacking along in the background (this is 24 hour company at my house), and I am working myself back into the mainstream political awareness mode after a few days of recovery from cataract surgery.
As I check in, there are a number of things that don’t seem to have changed since I opted out from ”being informed” last Thursday:
The Bush occupation in Iraq is still taking American lives
The Justice Department is still in shambles
Many Republicans are corrupt as ever and walking free
The Democrats are focused on 2008 rather than what matters
Articles of Impeachment still languish in limbo
Dairy products are still full of Monsanto poison
American agriculture is still full of Monsanto poison
The American election process is still controlled and manipulated at will
Corporate America is still in complete control of the legislative process
The military industrial complex still owns broadcast television in America
The voice of Dennis Kucinich is still a whisper in the ears of America
Okay, I’ll give it a rest for now. I could have gone on for a while longer, but you get the point. I am not very happy about the fact that we have a National image that is being projected by the deeds of the Bush Administration.
There is an article on Yahoo News this morning about the Congress drawing the wrath of voters because they have not yet figured out how to end the war in the Middle East including the occupation in Iraq. It mentions that the Republican minority has begun to use the term “do nothing Congress” in reference to the Democratic Majority, and that makes me chuckle. I know that the Democrats have not exercised their full ability to bring this stupidity to an end (and I fault them for that) and turn the National focus back onto the issues that matter to the average American, but I am prepared to give them a full year to show their true colors. As an Independent Liberal, I might not vote for a Democrat in 2008, but I sure as Hell won’t be voting for a Republican…ever.
I have a feeling that there will be a third party rising into power that will be part Green Party and part Labor Party. With a viable candidate, they will sweep the Republicans out of existence…yeaaaaaaaaa. The only problem I have had with the Green Party is their inability to impact National politics. I think that will change…sometime.
In the meantime, our Representatives and Senators had better get a clue about how unpopular the current policies have become…and get serious about making some sweeping changes that do more than color the rhetoric. Get rid of corporate funding for elections, and go back to paper ballots counted by hand. The only thing I ever want to see the name Diebold on is my ATM receipt. We also need to vote on renewing broadcast licenses for television and radio. Go fairness doctrine!
Okay…I’m back.
As I check in, there are a number of things that don’t seem to have changed since I opted out from ”being informed” last Thursday:
The Bush occupation in Iraq is still taking American lives
The Justice Department is still in shambles
Many Republicans are corrupt as ever and walking free
The Democrats are focused on 2008 rather than what matters
Articles of Impeachment still languish in limbo
Dairy products are still full of Monsanto poison
American agriculture is still full of Monsanto poison
The American election process is still controlled and manipulated at will
Corporate America is still in complete control of the legislative process
The military industrial complex still owns broadcast television in America
The voice of Dennis Kucinich is still a whisper in the ears of America
Okay, I’ll give it a rest for now. I could have gone on for a while longer, but you get the point. I am not very happy about the fact that we have a National image that is being projected by the deeds of the Bush Administration.
There is an article on Yahoo News this morning about the Congress drawing the wrath of voters because they have not yet figured out how to end the war in the Middle East including the occupation in Iraq. It mentions that the Republican minority has begun to use the term “do nothing Congress” in reference to the Democratic Majority, and that makes me chuckle. I know that the Democrats have not exercised their full ability to bring this stupidity to an end (and I fault them for that) and turn the National focus back onto the issues that matter to the average American, but I am prepared to give them a full year to show their true colors. As an Independent Liberal, I might not vote for a Democrat in 2008, but I sure as Hell won’t be voting for a Republican…ever.
I have a feeling that there will be a third party rising into power that will be part Green Party and part Labor Party. With a viable candidate, they will sweep the Republicans out of existence…yeaaaaaaaaa. The only problem I have had with the Green Party is their inability to impact National politics. I think that will change…sometime.
In the meantime, our Representatives and Senators had better get a clue about how unpopular the current policies have become…and get serious about making some sweeping changes that do more than color the rhetoric. Get rid of corporate funding for elections, and go back to paper ballots counted by hand. The only thing I ever want to see the name Diebold on is my ATM receipt. We also need to vote on renewing broadcast licenses for television and radio. Go fairness doctrine!
Okay…I’m back.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Reasons to buy from local producers
Beef recall expanded amid E.coli fears
LOS ANGELES—A meat supplier expanded a voluntary recall of ground beef products because they may be contaminated with E.coli.
United Food Group LLC said in a statement Wednesday it expanded the recall of 75,000 pounds of ground beef to include an additional 370,000 pounds based on "unspecified concerns" raised by the California State Department of Health Services.
The recalled products were shipped to grocery stores in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. They were sold under brand names Moran's All Natural, Miller Meat Company, Stater Bros., Inter-American Products, Inc., and Basha's.
The grocery stores affected included Albertson's, Basha's, Grocery Outlet, Fry's, "R" Ranch Markets, Save-A-Lot, Save-Mart, Scolari's Wholesale Markets, Smart and Final, Smith's, Stater Bros., and Superior Warehouse.
"Our company's paramount concern is for the safety and health of consumers who have purchased our products, and we have been working closely with the USDA and the California Department of Health Services to ensure that this additional recall is completed successfully," said Todd Waldman, senior vice president for United Food Group.
The products had sell-by dates from April 29-May 6, and product labels carried the establishment number "EST. 1241" inside the USDA mark of inspection or printed on the package.
The products in the expanded recall were produced on April 13 at the company's Vernon facility, while those in the original were produced on April 20.
Symptoms of E. coli include stomach cramps that may be severe and diarrhea that may turn bloody within one to three days. E. coli sometimes can lead to complications including kidney failure.
Customers with questions about the recall can call United Food Group's hot line at 1-800-325-4164. Those with recalled products should either throw the product away or return to point of purchase for a refund.
On the Net: USDA food safety site:
LOS ANGELES—A meat supplier expanded a voluntary recall of ground beef products because they may be contaminated with E.coli.
United Food Group LLC said in a statement Wednesday it expanded the recall of 75,000 pounds of ground beef to include an additional 370,000 pounds based on "unspecified concerns" raised by the California State Department of Health Services.
The recalled products were shipped to grocery stores in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. They were sold under brand names Moran's All Natural, Miller Meat Company, Stater Bros., Inter-American Products, Inc., and Basha's.
The grocery stores affected included Albertson's, Basha's, Grocery Outlet, Fry's, "R" Ranch Markets, Save-A-Lot, Save-Mart, Scolari's Wholesale Markets, Smart and Final, Smith's, Stater Bros., and Superior Warehouse.
"Our company's paramount concern is for the safety and health of consumers who have purchased our products, and we have been working closely with the USDA and the California Department of Health Services to ensure that this additional recall is completed successfully," said Todd Waldman, senior vice president for United Food Group.
The products had sell-by dates from April 29-May 6, and product labels carried the establishment number "EST. 1241" inside the USDA mark of inspection or printed on the package.
The products in the expanded recall were produced on April 13 at the company's Vernon facility, while those in the original were produced on April 20.
Symptoms of E. coli include stomach cramps that may be severe and diarrhea that may turn bloody within one to three days. E. coli sometimes can lead to complications including kidney failure.
Customers with questions about the recall can call United Food Group's hot line at 1-800-325-4164. Those with recalled products should either throw the product away or return to point of purchase for a refund.
On the Net: USDA food safety site:
Why does AP hate America?
AP Poll: Bush approval hits low point
WASHINGTON—Public approval of the job President Bush is doing now matches its all-time low, with widespread discontent over how he is handling the war in Iraq, efforts against terrorism and domestic issues, an AP-Ipsos poll released Thursday said.
Only 32 percent said they were satisfied with how Bush is handling his job, the same low point the measure hit last January.
On issue after issue, approval of Bush's efforts matched previous lows, underscoring the challenges Republican presidential and congressional candidates will confront next year when they face voters.
Twenty-eight percent were satisfied with his handling of the war in Iraq.
Only a third approved of how Bush is handling domestic issues like health care, with the same proportion expressing satisfaction with his job on foreign policy and the war on terror. Another 37 percent said they approved of his handling of the economy.
In another indication of the public's bleak mood, only 21 percent said they believe things in the U.S. are heading in the right direction, the worst mark since the AP-Ipsos poll began in December 2003.
The poll involved telephone interviews with 1,000 randomly chosen adults from June 4 to 6. It had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
——— AP Manager of News Surveys Trevor Tompson and AP News Survey Specialist Dennis Junius contributed to this report.
WASHINGTON—Public approval of the job President Bush is doing now matches its all-time low, with widespread discontent over how he is handling the war in Iraq, efforts against terrorism and domestic issues, an AP-Ipsos poll released Thursday said.
Only 32 percent said they were satisfied with how Bush is handling his job, the same low point the measure hit last January.
On issue after issue, approval of Bush's efforts matched previous lows, underscoring the challenges Republican presidential and congressional candidates will confront next year when they face voters.
Twenty-eight percent were satisfied with his handling of the war in Iraq.
Only a third approved of how Bush is handling domestic issues like health care, with the same proportion expressing satisfaction with his job on foreign policy and the war on terror. Another 37 percent said they approved of his handling of the economy.
In another indication of the public's bleak mood, only 21 percent said they believe things in the U.S. are heading in the right direction, the worst mark since the AP-Ipsos poll began in December 2003.
The poll involved telephone interviews with 1,000 randomly chosen adults from June 4 to 6. It had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
——— AP Manager of News Surveys Trevor Tompson and AP News Survey Specialist Dennis Junius contributed to this report.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Eighty percent of milk protein is casein. When casein is extracted from milk, it is used as a glue to hold together processed foods. It is also used to hold together wood in furniture.
When you eat casein, histamines are produced, then mucus.
I do not eat meat, but I learned long ago that if one orders baloney or salami or pepperoni from the deli counter, one is also ordering milk. You see, milk protein holds together the finished product. Casein binds ground sausage and hot dogs like a tenacious glue. Eat hidden casein in meat products and you will need to cleanse yourself many hours later. Usually,that is an overnight experience. As one sleeps, the histamines clog internal organs, blood, intestines,and lungs. Upon waking, one's first response is to spit up phlegm. The next few waking hours are spent expelling phlegm and mucus. Those companies marketing Kleenex and Charmin become the beneficiaries.
Ten to fifteen hours after ingesting casein, you are guaranteed to know the congesting effects. You'll spit up phlegm, and your morning (or next) bowel movementwill be pure sludge. I do not have to get too descriptive. You've experienced this same effect too.
Casein ingestion produces mucus. Eat casein and your body will fill with an internal fog which overwhelms the way you feel and the way you act. Imagine having your lungs, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, thymus, thyroid, and bloodstream all filled with this thick viscous fluid. Pizza is delicious. So is ice cream. The day after can be a horror story.
Be aware that "non-dairy" products may also contain casein.
A list of label ingredients containing milk protein might surprise you. Some of the ingredients surprised me, and I thought that I knew almost everything there was to know about milk ingredients in food. Clearly, I did not.
These ingredients may contain milk protein - ammonium, butter,artificial butter, butter solids/fat, calcium, caramel color, caramel flavoring, casein, caseinate, ammonium caseinate, calcium caseinate, hydrolyzed casein, iron caseinate, magnesium caseinate, potassium caseinate, rennet casein,sodium caseinate, sodium caseinate solids, zinc caseinate, cheese, cream, curds, flavoring, high protein flour, lactate,lactic acid, lactalbumin, lactalbumin phosphate, lactoferrin, lactaglobulin, lactose, magnesium, margarine, milk, buttermilk, milk derivative, milk fat, milk protein, milk solids, skim milk, powdered milk, dried milk, dry milk solids, sour milk solids, hydrolyzed milk protein, natural flavoring, Opta (fat replacer),Simplesse (fat replacer), sour cream solids, whey, delactosed whey, demineralized whey, whey protein concentrate, whey powder, and yogurt.
Those "natural flavorings" will get you every time. When contacting manufacturers, you will usually be told that the"natural flavorings" are "proprietary. " That means, secret. The same individual will not know whether or not they are"dairy." Often times, neither will the food scientists, since natural flavorings are manufactured for food processors by third parties. In other words, avoid those foods with natural flavorings. These chemicals do not do the body any good.
Take responsiblity for your actions. If you do the wrong thing the night before, expect to face the consequences the morning after.
Robert Cohen
i4crob@earthlink. net
Eighty percent of milk protein is casein. When casein is extracted from milk, it is used as a glue to hold together processed foods. It is also used to hold together wood in furniture.
When you eat casein, histamines are produced, then mucus.
I do not eat meat, but I learned long ago that if one orders baloney or salami or pepperoni from the deli counter, one is also ordering milk. You see, milk protein holds together the finished product. Casein binds ground sausage and hot dogs like a tenacious glue. Eat hidden casein in meat products and you will need to cleanse yourself many hours later. Usually,that is an overnight experience. As one sleeps, the histamines clog internal organs, blood, intestines,and lungs. Upon waking, one's first response is to spit up phlegm. The next few waking hours are spent expelling phlegm and mucus. Those companies marketing Kleenex and Charmin become the beneficiaries.
Ten to fifteen hours after ingesting casein, you are guaranteed to know the congesting effects. You'll spit up phlegm, and your morning (or next) bowel movementwill be pure sludge. I do not have to get too descriptive. You've experienced this same effect too.
Casein ingestion produces mucus. Eat casein and your body will fill with an internal fog which overwhelms the way you feel and the way you act. Imagine having your lungs, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, thymus, thyroid, and bloodstream all filled with this thick viscous fluid. Pizza is delicious. So is ice cream. The day after can be a horror story.
Be aware that "non-dairy" products may also contain casein.
A list of label ingredients containing milk protein might surprise you. Some of the ingredients surprised me, and I thought that I knew almost everything there was to know about milk ingredients in food. Clearly, I did not.
These ingredients may contain milk protein - ammonium, butter,artificial butter, butter solids/fat, calcium, caramel color, caramel flavoring, casein, caseinate, ammonium caseinate, calcium caseinate, hydrolyzed casein, iron caseinate, magnesium caseinate, potassium caseinate, rennet casein,sodium caseinate, sodium caseinate solids, zinc caseinate, cheese, cream, curds, flavoring, high protein flour, lactate,lactic acid, lactalbumin, lactalbumin phosphate, lactoferrin, lactaglobulin, lactose, magnesium, margarine, milk, buttermilk, milk derivative, milk fat, milk protein, milk solids, skim milk, powdered milk, dried milk, dry milk solids, sour milk solids, hydrolyzed milk protein, natural flavoring, Opta (fat replacer),Simplesse (fat replacer), sour cream solids, whey, delactosed whey, demineralized whey, whey protein concentrate, whey powder, and yogurt.
Those "natural flavorings" will get you every time. When contacting manufacturers, you will usually be told that the"natural flavorings" are "proprietary. " That means, secret. The same individual will not know whether or not they are"dairy." Often times, neither will the food scientists, since natural flavorings are manufactured for food processors by third parties. In other words, avoid those foods with natural flavorings. These chemicals do not do the body any good.
Take responsiblity for your actions. If you do the wrong thing the night before, expect to face the consequences the morning after.
Robert Cohen
i4crob@earthlink. net
Friday, June 01, 2007
Impeach, convict, and detain

The truth will never come out unless Congress spits out the corporate tube steak and starts working hard to earn back the trust of their employers.
Start with Gonzales, and keep moving up the chain of command.
Do some research
I am back from my vacation, and ready to face the crazy right wing world for a few more weeks. The following post is from Robert Cohen, whose knowledge and judgment I respect. If you haven't visited his web site, there is a link at the end of the post.
I May Act Dumb, But My Body's Plan is Brilliant
Heart disease is America's number-one killer. The choice is yours to either be a victim, or have a change of heart and let food be your medicine.
Every doctor learns in medical school that there are both good and bad cholesterols. Can there really be such a thing as "bad cholesterol? "
Repeat after me:
My body is not dumb.
It does not do stupid things.
My body reacts to the stupid things which my mind directs it to do.
The body was designed with an intelligent plan.
The following is not taught in medical schools.
The following represents the cause and cure of heart disease.
You require simplicity? Here it is...
LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) is manufactured as the human response to continuous heart damage. The internal production and secretion of this so-called "bad cholesterol" is the manner by which the body repairs its own damage.
I refer to LDL cholesterol as the body's own spackle. When picture hooks create holes in living room walls, one goes to a hardware store to purchase a can of spackle. That substance fills the holes. You then take a piece of sandpaper and file down the spackle until the wall is smooth.
Many events are responsible for heart damage. The largest heart study in American history (Castelli's Framingham Heart Study) has identified sulfur-based amino acids (from eating animal protein) as the key to the etiology of heart disease. So, the body's brilliantly programmed response to heart disease is to neutralize the damage caused by the ingestion of animal protein. Your body's response is to manufacture more LDL cholesterol which acts to repair the damage.
The higher the cholesterol reading, the greater is the damage that must be repaired. So, what do naive meat eaters do when faced with high cholesterol rates? They seek advice from well meaning, but ignorant doctors.
Doctors prescribe cholesterol- lowering drugs, which take away the body's mechanism by which the damage is repaired. In other words, cholesterol- lowering drugs make things worse. Why not simply eliminate those factors which cause the damage? Because most doctors are not taught to think. They are taught to diagnose and prescribe medications. (There are exceptions to this "ignorant doctor" rule. They include Caldwell Esselstyn, MD, John McDougall, MD, Joel Fuhrman, MD, Michael Greger, MD, and many others.)
Animal protein (meat and dairy) contains an abundance of sulfur-based amino acids. The worst foods to eat (the highest levels of sulfur) are chicken and eggs. You do not want the rotten egg smell infusing into each of your body's cells. One must neutralize the resulting acid. To do so, calcium is leached from where it is stored: in the skeletal system. For this reason, those living in meat-eating nations have the highest rates of bone disease.
So, what can you do if you have high cholesterol and hope to prevent or reverse heart disease? The heart-healthy answer is to change your diet and furnish your body with clean fuel. Stop the damage immediately and your body will have less of a need to manufacture large amounts of the inappropriately named "bad" cholesterol.
Robert Cohen
http://www.notmilk. com
i4crob@earthlink. net
I May Act Dumb, But My Body's Plan is Brilliant
Heart disease is America's number-one killer. The choice is yours to either be a victim, or have a change of heart and let food be your medicine.
Every doctor learns in medical school that there are both good and bad cholesterols. Can there really be such a thing as "bad cholesterol? "
Repeat after me:
My body is not dumb.
It does not do stupid things.
My body reacts to the stupid things which my mind directs it to do.
The body was designed with an intelligent plan.
The following is not taught in medical schools.
The following represents the cause and cure of heart disease.
You require simplicity? Here it is...
LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) is manufactured as the human response to continuous heart damage. The internal production and secretion of this so-called "bad cholesterol" is the manner by which the body repairs its own damage.
I refer to LDL cholesterol as the body's own spackle. When picture hooks create holes in living room walls, one goes to a hardware store to purchase a can of spackle. That substance fills the holes. You then take a piece of sandpaper and file down the spackle until the wall is smooth.
Many events are responsible for heart damage. The largest heart study in American history (Castelli's Framingham Heart Study) has identified sulfur-based amino acids (from eating animal protein) as the key to the etiology of heart disease. So, the body's brilliantly programmed response to heart disease is to neutralize the damage caused by the ingestion of animal protein. Your body's response is to manufacture more LDL cholesterol which acts to repair the damage.
The higher the cholesterol reading, the greater is the damage that must be repaired. So, what do naive meat eaters do when faced with high cholesterol rates? They seek advice from well meaning, but ignorant doctors.
Doctors prescribe cholesterol- lowering drugs, which take away the body's mechanism by which the damage is repaired. In other words, cholesterol- lowering drugs make things worse. Why not simply eliminate those factors which cause the damage? Because most doctors are not taught to think. They are taught to diagnose and prescribe medications. (There are exceptions to this "ignorant doctor" rule. They include Caldwell Esselstyn, MD, John McDougall, MD, Joel Fuhrman, MD, Michael Greger, MD, and many others.)
Animal protein (meat and dairy) contains an abundance of sulfur-based amino acids. The worst foods to eat (the highest levels of sulfur) are chicken and eggs. You do not want the rotten egg smell infusing into each of your body's cells. One must neutralize the resulting acid. To do so, calcium is leached from where it is stored: in the skeletal system. For this reason, those living in meat-eating nations have the highest rates of bone disease.
So, what can you do if you have high cholesterol and hope to prevent or reverse heart disease? The heart-healthy answer is to change your diet and furnish your body with clean fuel. Stop the damage immediately and your body will have less of a need to manufacture large amounts of the inappropriately named "bad" cholesterol.
Robert Cohen
http://www.notmilk. com
i4crob@earthlink. net
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