Saturday, August 13, 2005

How accurate are polls?

In the Daily Read household, we have been listening to the argumentative discussion regarding the accuracy of political issue polls since approximately the end of 2000 when it was discovered that some segments of society actually use poll data to determine the truth of an issue.

I find it very confusing indeed that the Liberal side of most issues chooses to use an antiquated method of fact-based argument coupled with a huge amount of common sense against a much superior graphic and sound-bite method employed by the Conservative side. It is patently obvious which method is more effective, regardless of accuracy.

As this country was preparing to chase the WMD waving Dictator out of Iraq to eliminate the threat of a mushroom cloud smoking gun, the issue of public support in this country, the UN, and around the world became the issue of the day. Had it not been for the multitude of opinion charts and graphs graciously brought to us by Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, and every major newspaper and magazine barely fit to wrap dead fish, we would have been deluded (by the images on Indy Media of millions and millions of protesters taking to the global streets) into thinking that public opinion was against this ramp-up to war. Fortunately, the Indy Media images moments were largely superseded by hours and hours of polling data charts and graphs, and even though our distinguished Commander-In-Chief swore not to give credence to polls or focus groups, the war machine rumbled forward.

Now that the issue of confidence in the Commander-In-Chief is being addressed on a daily basis, and the selective murmuring has risen in volume about the possible bias in every poll showing the public losing favor with the C-I-C, we have decided to conduct our own poll, and regardless of how closely it follows the media’s offering, we will live by the results. Remember, even though a poll has exhibited impeccable usefulness over a long period of time, a well orchestrated slash and burn campaign can easily render it worthless (as was the case with exit polling in Florida and Ohio).

The results of the Daily Read Poll are as follows:


George W. Bush is doing the best job he possibly can.
Agree: 50% Disagree: 0% Vehemently Disagree: 50%

It is comforting to know that GW Bush spends a lot of time on his knees.
Agree: 0% Disagree: 0% Vehemently Disagree: 100%

God would be angry about abortion, but not about using war as a method of population control (and economic stimulation).
Agree: 0% Disagree: 0% Vehemently Disagree: 100%

General Richard Meyers was wrong when he said we should not refer to the conflict against extremism as a war because the solution is clearly not one of military action.
Agree: 0% Disagree: 0% Vehemently Disagree: 100%

The GOP (unlike the Democrats who merely incorporate them) is a party that clearly celebrates the differences, and their variety of Congressional Caucuses proves it.
Agree: 0% Disagree: 0% Vehemently Disagree: 100%

The War against Terror can more easily be won than the War against Drugs.
Agree: 0% Disagree: 0% Vehemently Disagree: 100%

The War against Drugs can more easily be won than the War against Terror.
Agree: 0% Disagree: 0% Vehemently Disagree: 100%

Valerie Plame was clearly not undercover.
Agree: 0% Disagree: 0% Vehemently Disagree: 100%

Sean Hannity is a great American.
Agree: 0% Disagree: 0% Vehemently Disagree: 100%

Note: Starr indicated her choice through the selection of the number of Kibble and Bits she consumed after each question. One indicated agreement, two indicated non-agreement, and all three indicated vehement non-agreement.

The results of the previous poll can only lead one to conclude the following:
George W. Bush will go down in history as one of the greatest Commander-In-Chiefs to ever be elected to the highest office in our land. The War against Terror obviously requires a military solution. The definition of a great American is forever indisputable. Opinion polls always reflect the true thoughts of the American public.
Agree: 0% Disagree: 0% Vehemently Disagree: 100%

Oh, what a tangled web we weave……
***Agree: 100% Disagree: 0% Vehemently Disagree: 0%

*** Ran out of Kibbles and Bits.

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