Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Housekeeping is great

I have been spending a lot of time the past couple days trying to clean up my favorite links and my e-mail box in preparation of a keyboarding vision beyond America On Line.

One of the steps I took was to secure a permanent mail box at Yahoo so the transition from where I am at to wherever I am going will be less traumatic, if not seamless.

I sent an address change to most of my favorite people (I am still sending them out in case you didn't get one), and the response was almost like having Christmas all over again so soon. I have been receiving notes from people I haven't heard from for (a long time), and it is absolutely wonderful.

Gwen is residing in Mexico and her daily life is usually shared through an occaisional e-mail to her friends and family, but it has been a while since one of those came it was great to hear from her. I know she and Tom have purchased a house which they are working hard to turn into a home... and I am anxious to hear more about that.

Chuck and Marsha have been full time RVers since they retired a few years ago, and they also keep in touch through a chronological description of events (as they have lived them). They are very spiritual people (which is one of the reasons I Love and enjoy them so much) with an extended family that would most likely fill any stadium in this great country. I know Marsha is shaking her head at that one, but when you never turn your back on anyone...

There have been many other responses from friends and family... both of my brothers, a nephew, friends no longer living where they were when we last communicated, and one piece of junk mail that Yahoo was kind enough to stick into a bulk mail folder from where I can send it to a digital death.

Isn't life absolutely wonderful?

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